He has known about the potty for a long time...He's always understood the concept, but his little body hadn't quite caught up with his sharp mind until recently.
All of a sudden, he gets it!
Saturday morning he went in my bathroom and yelled, "MAMA! POTTY!"
I went in, got him into position and he didn't pee......HE POOPED! This is a big victory. He remained dry the rest of the day, asking to go to the potty when he needed to pee or doing a funny dance which indicated to me that he had to pee. We went to a fall festival that night and he stayed dry, peeing in the potty twice while we were there.
The next day he peed in the potty first thing in the morning, twice before church started and 3 times during! There were a couple of poops in the pants but his pull-up remained urine free.
Today, I received a text message from Amber that Caden has not only been peeing in the potty, but has pooped in the potty not once, but TWICE at school.
We're going to keep working on poopy this week but this weekend we're going to go to the store and let him pick out his own big boy underwear. Then starting on Monday, he'll only wear pull-ups to bed.
6 changes of clothes may accompany him on his way to school, but he'll still be a big kid in his underpants!
Where is the time going? All I can say is....GOOD-BYE DIAPERS! HELLO EXTRA $50.00 a MONTH! WOO-HOO!

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#best all new and free kid videos
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