I watched a documentary last night about a woman who use to be a stripper. After learning about Jesus and accepting him she changed her life and turned from her past. In her words, she became 'a judgemental Christian.' She was obsessed with distancing herself from sin. She would say, "This is a sin, and that is a sin and it's bad, bad, bad." She said that she was absolutly no fun to be around and wanted nothing to do with sinful places or people.
Her view dramatically changed on the day a stripper friend of hers past away. She had never taken the time to tell her about Jesus and now she had to live with the unsettling thought that she could be spending eternity seperated from God because she didn't hear the message of
Now this ex-stripper turned 'good girl' spends her evenings going to strip clubs and buying private lap dances....when the girls show up, she sits down with them and asks them if they believe in God and invites them to church. She doesn't tell them to turn from their evil ways, she doesn't say, "What you're doing is a sin and you need to stop." She just tells them that God loves them and if they want to learn more about that love they can call her and she'll bring them to church. She gives them a card with her personal number and the name of her church where she promises them they will feel welcomed.
The church that she attends funds her ministry.
She is a beautiful woman, and teamed up with a few of her friends she travels around with a van that has JC's girls, girls, girls written on the side of it. They set up tables in different locations handing out cd's that passers by assume is free pornography. Apparently they hand out hundreds every night. When people put the cd into their computers, a man appears and says, "You're probably wondering,
'where's my porn?' The truth is, there is no porn. But I would like to tell you about Jesus Christ." He goes on to tell them that God has something better for them, a love that won't cease.
The women said that when she was a stripper she was doing one of two things with every man she entertained. She was either feeding a dangerous addiction or bringing them personal destruction....now she believes she is doing the exact opposite.
After watching that documentary, I was filled with emotion. I've always been told to steer clear of places 'like that' unless of course I was handing out tracks and wearing something that made it perfectly clear that I wasn't one of them....heaven forbid we blend in with the 'sinners.'
As I watched the tear-stained face of a stripper, I saw Jesus.
She said that before she heard the message of Christ she thought there was no way there was a place in heaven for people like her... The question is, what are we doing to show the broken that Jesus is exactly for people like them?
Praise God for people like her. She made me want to be a better Christian.