Hey...i'm updating. I've been pretty busy for an unemployed woman. I've been volunteering for The Salvation Army lately. This is my third Christmas involved with Army stuff and I enjoy it more this year even though I'm not being paid. I'm actually looking forward to Christmas this year. I couldn't figure out why but then I realized, "It's because I don't work for the Army!" I'm going to decorate and make cards and cookies and do all kinds of festive things. YAY!
I had a doctors appointment on Monday. Everything looks good. It wasn't the ultrasound appointment but they scheduled it for this coming Monday. The Anatomy Ultrasound. If the baby cooperates, we'll know the gender. I hoping it will strike a provocative pose so that we will know 100%. Very exciting. My new doctor is really great and the hospital where I'll be delivering is beautiful. I feel good about it, even though I'm paying out the nose. I can't believe there is no law in this country that I am protected under to be insured as a pregnant woman!? When you come from a socialistic nation these things are considered outrageous! That's a USA rave for another time. Grrrr. But anyway, God is good and all is well.
So, Jason and I are having a running, extremely commical, debate. Let me know what you think:
How do you feel about stuffing your domestic house pets after they have passed away so that they may remain in your life forever? One of us thinks this is creepy and wierd and should never be done and the other thinks (for some unknown reason) that it's a cute idea. Let me know what side you fall on so that I may show my husband that everyone agrees with me. So far, it's 2-0 for Kathy.